
Dear Ted:You know I am a devoted reader and I check your website every day. However, I'm getting annoyed: It's like freakin' Groundhog Day at the Awful Truth lately. Who cares about the cast of Twilight? Yes, I adored the movie, couldn't get it out of my head for days. Then I got over it! Why is it you listen to your readers regarding all the Angelina posts, yet you basically refuse to report anything about black celebs? And please, don't try making amends by posting a pic of friggin' Will Smith. Can't we get some insider info on Amber Rose? At least bring back the daily Angelina dirt; I'm sick of your new weird fascination for all things teenybop. I am begging you, give it a rest! I'd rather read endless gossip on Teri Snatchers than one more item on that boring-ass Brit Pattinson. Johnny Depp, he is not. And don't sass me on that one, you know I'm right! —Peeved in DC
Dear Teened Out:Honestly babe, totally understand. But you all need to make up your mind! If you don't know what I mean, please by all means do read on.
Dear Ted:What do you really honestly think about every single person in Twilight the movie?

